Differentiate between data and information in term of computer.

 Data are simply facts or figures — bits of information, but not information itself. When data are processed, interpreted, organized, structured or presented so as to make them meaningful or useful, they are called 

information. Information provides context for data.

Difference Between Data and Information


Data is unorganised raw facts that need processing without which it is seemingly random and useless to humans

Data is an individual unit that contains raw material which does not carry any specific meaning.

Data doesn’t depend on information.

It is measured in bits and bytes.

Data is never suited to the specific needs of a designer.

An example of data is a student’s test score


Information is a processed, organised data presented in a given context and is useful to humans.

Information is a group of data that collectively carry a logical meaning.

Information depends on data.

Information is measured in meaningful units like time, quantity, etc. 

Information is specific to the expectations and requirements because all the irrelevant facts and figures are removed, during the transformation process.

The average score of a class is the information derived from the given data.

Answer: 3. Which software allows the user to add, subtract, and 

perform user-defined calculations on rows and columns of numbers.

A spreadsheet is a software program you use to easily perform mathematical calculations on statistical data and totaling long columns of numbers or determining percentages and averages.

And if any of the raw numbers you put into your spreadsheet should change – like if you obtain final figures to substitute for preliminary ones for example – the spreadsheet will update all the calculations you’ve performed based on the new numbers.

You also can use a spreadsheet to generate data visualizations like charts to display the statistical information you’ve compiled on a website.

On your screen will appear a basic spreadsheet, divided into numbered rows and lettered columns.


The rows and columns intersect to create small boxes, which are called cells.

Each cell is identified by its column letter and row number.

Thus the very first cell in the upper left-hand corner is called A1.

Just below A1 is A2. Just to the right of A1 is B1. Just below B1 is B2, and so on.

In the image below, for example, cell D9 is highlighted.


Answer: 4. Difference between Logic errors and syntax errors.

Syntax errors

A syntax error is an error in the source code of a program. Since computer programs must

follow strict syntax to compile correctly, any aspects of the code that do not conform to 

the syntax of the programming language will produce a syntax error.

Syntax errors are small grammatical mistakes, sometimes limited to a single character.

For example, a missing semicolon at the end of a line or an extra bracket at the end of a

function may produce a syntax error.

Logic errors

A logic error (or logical error) is a ‘bug’ or mistake in a program’s source code that 

results inincorrect or unexpected behaviour. It is a type of runtime error that may simply produce

thewrong output or may cause a program to crash while running.

Many different types of programming mistakes can cause logic errors. For example,

assigning a value to the wrong variable may cause a series of unexpected program errors.

Multiplying two numbers instead of adding them together may also produce unwanted


List five common syntax errors.

Spelling mistakes.

Missing out quotes.

Missing out brackets.

Using upper case characters in key words e.g. IF instead of if.

Missing out a colon or semicolon at end of a statement.

Using tokens in the wrong order. 


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