Computer Applications

 Q1). Write short note on the following sections.

Write a difference between unary and binary operators.

Differentiate between data and information in term of computer.

Which software allows the user to add, subtract, and perform user-defined calculations on rows and columns of numbers. 

Difference between Logic errors and syntax errors.


Answer: 1. Difference between Unary and Binary Operators in C, C++

Unary operators work on a single operand..

Example ++ and -- operators.

i++ , ++i , i-- and --i are some examples.

Binary are the ones that work on two operands....(i.e. are surrounded by 2 operands, 1 on each side)

Example, a+b, 1*5....etc.

Now if we want to write a=a+1

Then we can write the same as 


Here you can see that before equal sign, there is only one operand....hence, + is an unary as well as binary operator..

Same applies for - , * , /  and % operators also

Answer: 2. Differentiate between data and information in term of computer.

Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner, which should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or electronic machine.

Data is represented with the help of characters such as alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or special characters (+,-,/,*,<,>,= etc.)

Information Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for the receiver. Information is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.

For the decision to be meaningful, the processed data must qualify for the following characteristics −

Timely − Information should be available when required.

Accuracy − Information should be accurate.

Completeness − Information should be complete.




Example of Data

UT, 1234, Joe, Circle, SLC, 8015553211, 84084, Smith 

Example of Information

Joe Smith

1234 Circle

Salt Lake City, UT 84084

(801) 555-3211

Answer: 3. Which software allows the user to add, subtract, and perform user-defined calculations on rows and columns of numbers.

Electronic spreadsheet software allows the user to add, subtract, and perform user define calculations on rows of columns and numbers. These numbers can be changed, in a spreadsheet quickly relocated and recalculates the new results. Electronic spreadsheet software eliminates the tedious recalculations required with manual methods.

spreadsheet information is converted into a graphic form, such as graph charts. The graphics capabilities now are included in most spreadsheet packages.

A drawing spreadsheet software frequently is used by people who work with numbers the user enters data and formulas to be used on the data and the computer calculates the results.

Increment a calculation with ROW or COLUMN


Generic formula 



If you need to dynamically increment a calculation, so that a value automatically increments each time the formula is copied to a new row or column, you can use the ROW() or COLUMN() functions in your formula.

In the example shown, the formula in cell D6 is:


When this formula is copied down column D, it multiplies the value in B6 by a number that starts with 1 and increments by one at each step.

How this formula works

The ROW() function, when entered into a cell with no arguments with return the the row number of that cell. In this case, the first instance of the formula is in cell D6 so, ROW() returns 6 inside the formula in D6.

We want to start with 1, however, so we need to subtract 5, which yields 1.

As the formula is copied down column D, ROW() keeps returning the current row number, and we keep subtracting 5 to "normalize" the result back to a 1-based scale:

=$B$6*1 // D6

=$B$6*2 // D7

=$B$6*3 // D8


If you are copying a formula across columns, you can use COLUMN() function the same way.

Answer: 4. Difference between Logic errors and syntax errors.

When programmers write code in a high-level language there are two types of errors that they might make: syntax errors and logic errors.

Syntax errors are mistakes such as misspelled keywords, a missing punctuation character, a missing bracket, or a missing closing parenthesis. Nowadays, all

famous IDEs such as Eclipse, NetBeans, and Visual Studio (to name a few) detect these errors as you type and underline the erroneous statements with a wavy line. If you

try to execute a program that includes syntax errors, you will get error messages on your screen and the program won’t be executed. You must correct all the errors and

then try to execute the program again.

Logic errors are those errors that prevent your program from doing what you expected it to do. With logic errors you get no warning at all. Your code may compile and

run but the result is not the expected one. Logic errors are the most difficult errors to detect. You must revisit your program thoroughly to determine where your error is.

For example, consider a program that prompts the user to enter three numbers, and then calculates and displays their average value. The programmer, however, made a

typographical error; one of his or her statements divides the sum of the three numbers by 5, and not by 3 as it should. Of course the program is executed as usual, without

any error messages, prompting the user to enter three numbers and displaying a result, but obviously not the correct one! It is the programmer who has to find and correct

the erroneously written statement, not the computer or the compiler!

Long Questions

Q2). What is Flow-chart? Explain briefly.

Answer: What is a flowchart

Flow Chart Defined

A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction.

Common Flowchart Symbols

Different flow chart symbols have different meanings. The most common flow chart symbols are:

Terminator: An oval flow chart shape indicating the start or end of the process.

Process: A rectangular flow chart shape indicating a normal process flow step.

Decision: A diamond flow chart shape indication a branch in the process flow.

Connector: A small, labeled, circular flow chart shape used to indicate a jump in the process flow. (Shown as the circle with the letter "A", below.)

Data: A parallelogram that indicates data input or output (I/O) for a process.

Document: Used to indicate a document or report (see image in sample flow chart below).


Flowcharts for computer programming/algorithms

As a visual representation of data flow, flowcharts are useful in writing a program or algorithm and explaining it to others or collaborating with them on it. You can use a flowchart to spell out the logic behind a program before ever starting to code the automated process. It can help to organize big-picture thinking and provide a guide when it comes time to code. More specifically, flowcharts can:

Demonstrate the way code is organized.

Visualize the execution of code within a program.

Show the structure of a website or application.

Understand how users navigate a website or program.

Often, programmers may write pseudocode, a combination of natural language and computer language able to be read by people. This may allow greater detail than the flowchart and serve either as a replacement for the flowchart or as a next step to actual code.

Related diagrams used in computer software include:

Unified Modeling Language (UML): This is a general-purpose language used in software engineering for modeling.

Nassi-Shneiderman Diagrams: Used for structured computer programming. Named after Isaac Nassi and Ben Shneiderman, who developed it in 1972 at SUNY-Stony Brook. Also called Structograms.

DRAKON charts: DRAKON is an algorithmic visual programming language used to produce flowcharts.


How flowcharts are used in numerous other fields

Beyond computer programming, flowcharts have many uses in many diverse fields.

In any field:

Document and analyze a process.

Standardize a process for efficiency and quality.

Communicate a process for training or understanding by other parts of the organization.

Identify bottlenecks, redundancies and unnecessary steps in a process and improve it.


Plan coursework and academic requirements.

Create a lesson plan or oral presentation.

Organize a group or individual project.

Show a legal or civil process, like voter registration.

Plan and structure creative writing, like lyrics or poetry.

Demonstrate character development for literature and film.

Represent the flow of algorithms or logic puzzles.

Understand a scientific process, like the Krebs cycle.

Chart an anatomical process, such as digestion.

Map out symptoms and treatment for diseases/disorders.

Communicate hypotheses and theories, like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Sales and marketing:

Plot out the flow of a survey.

Chart a sales process.

Plan research strategies.

Show registration flows.

Disseminate communication policies, like an emergency PR plan.



Understand order and procurement processes.

Represent an employee’s tasks or daily routine.

Understand the paths that users take on a website or in a store.

Develop a business plan or product realization plan.

Document a process in preparation for an audit, including for regulatory compliance, such as under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Document a process in preparation for a sale or consolidation.



Denote the physical or chemical makeup of a product.

Illustrate the manufacturing process from beginning to end.

Discover and solve inefficiencies in a manufacturing or procurement process.


Represent process flows or system flows.

Design and update chemical and plant processes.

Assess the life cycle of a structure.

Chart a reverse-engineering flow.

Demonstrate the design and prototype phase of a new structure or product.

Types of flowcharts

Different authors describe various types of flowcharts in different terms. These people include published experts such as Alan B. Sterneckert, Andrew Veronis, Marilyn Bohl and Mark A. Fryman.

Sterneckert, in his 2003 book Critical Incident Management, listed four popular flowchart types, framed around the concept of flow controls rather than the flow itself:

Document Flowcharts: These “have the purpose of showing existing controls over document-flow through the components of a system. … The chart is read from left to right and documents the flow of documents through the various business units.”

Data Flowcharts: These show “the controls governing data flows in a system. … Data flowcharts are used primarily to show the channels that data is transmitted through the system rather than how controls flow.”

System Flowcharts: These “show the flow of data to and through the major components of a system such as data entry, programs, storage media, processors, and communication networks.”

Program Flowcharts: These show “the controls placed internally to a program within a system.

Veronis , in his 1978 book Microprocessors: Design and Applications, outlined three flowchart types based on scope and level of detail:

System Flowchart: Identifies the devices to be used.

General Flowchart: Overview.

Detailed Flowchart: Increased detail.

Bohl, in her 1978 book A Guide for Programmers, listed only two:

System Flowchart.

Program Flowchart.

But Fryman, in his 2001 book Quality and Process Improvement, differentiated the types in multiple ways from more of a business perspective than a computer perspective:

Decision Flowchart.

Logic Flowchart.

Systems Flowchart.

Product Flowchart.

Process Flowchart.

Additional flowchart types defined by others include:

Swimlane Diagram, a.k.a Swimlane Flowchart: To delineate who does what in cross-team processes.

Workflow Flowchart: To document workflows, often involving tasks, documents and information in offices.

Event-Driven Process Chain (EPC) Flowchart: To document or plan a business process.

Specification and Description Language (SDL) Flowchart: To brainstorm computer algorithms using three basic components: system definition, block and process.


These related diagrams are also sometimes thought of as types of flowcharts:

Data Flow Diagram (DFD): To map out the flow of information for any system or process.

Process Flow Diagram (PFD), a.k.a. Process Flowchart: To illustrate the relationships between major components at an industrial plant.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN 2.0): To model the steps of a planned business process.

How to plan and draw a basic flowchart

Define your purpose and scope. What do you hope to accomplish? Are you studying the right things with appropriate start and end points to accomplish that purpose? Be detailed enough in your research but simple enough in your charting to communicate with your intended audience.

Identify the tasks in chronological order. This might involve talking to participants, observing a process and/or reviewing any existing documentation. You might write out the steps in note form, or begin a rough chart.

Organize them by type and corresponding shape, such as process, decision, data, inputs or outputs.

Draw your chart, either sketching by hand or using a program such as Lucidchart.

Confirm your flowchart, walking through the steps with people who participate in the process. Observe the process to make sure you haven’t missed anything important to your purpose.

Q2). What is Networking. Explain briefly all types of networking.

Answer: Computer Network 

A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and applications.

A computer network can be categorized by their size. A computer network is mainly of four types:

Computer Network Types

LAN(Local Area Network)

PAN(Personal Area Network)

MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

WAN(Wide Area Network)


LAN(Local Area Network)

Local Area Network is a group of computers connected to each other in a small area such as building, office.

LAN is used for connecting two or more personal computers through a communication medium such as twisted pair, coaxial cable, etc.

It is less costly as it is built with inexpensive hardware such as hubs, network adapters, and ethernet cables.

The data is transferred at an extremely faster rate in Local Area Network.

Local Area Network provides higher security.


PAN(Personal Area Network)

Personal Area Network is a network arranged within an individual person, typically within a range of 10 meters.

Personal Area Network is used for connecting the computer devices of personal use is known as Personal Area Network.

Thomas Zimmerman was the first research scientist to bring the idea of the Personal Area Network.

Personal Area Network covers an area of 30 feet.

Personal computer devices that are used to develop the personal area network are the laptop, mobile phones, media player and play stations.


There are two types of Personal Area Network:

Wired Personal Area Network

Wireless Personal Area Network

Wireless Personal Area Network: Wireless Personal Area Network is developed by simply using wireless technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth. It is a low range network.

Wired Personal Area Network: Wired Personal Area Network is created by using the USB.


Examples Of Personal Area Network:

Body Area Network: Body Area Network is a network that moves with a person. For example, a mobile network moves with a person. Suppose a person establishes a network connection and then creates a connection with another device to share the information.

Offline Network: An offline network can be created inside the home, so it is also known as a home network. A home network is designed to integrate the devices such as printers, computer, television but they are not connected to the internet.

Small Home Office: It is used to connect a variety of devices to the internet and to a corporate network using a VPN

MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

A metropolitan area network is a network that covers a larger geographic area by interconnecting a different LAN to form a larger network.

Government agencies use MAN to connect to the citizens and private industries.

In MAN, various LANs are connected to each other through a telephone exchange line.

The most widely used protocols in MAN are RS-232, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, OC-3, ADSL, etc.

It has a higher range than Local Area Network(LAN).


Uses Of Metropolitan Area Network:

MAN is used in communication between the banks in a city.

It can be used in an Airline Reservation.

It can be used in a college within a city.

It can also be used for communication in the military.

WAN(Wide Area Network)

A Wide Area Network is a network that extends over a large geographical area such as states or countries.

A Wide Area Network is quite bigger network than the LAN.

A Wide Area Network is not limited to a single location, but it spans over a large geographical area through a telephone line, fibre optic cable or satellite links.

The internet is one of the biggest WAN in the world.

A Wide Area Network is widely used in the field of Business, government, and education.



Examples Of Wide Area Network:

Mobile Broadband: A 4G network is widely used across a region or country.

Last mile: A telecom company is used to provide the internet services to the customers in hundreds of cities by connecting their home with fiber.

Private network: A bank provides a private network that connects the 44 offices. This network is made by using the telephone leased line provided by the telecom company.

Advantages Of Wide Area Network:

Following are the advantages of the Wide Area Network:

Geographical area: A Wide Area Network provides a large geographical area. Suppose if the branch of our office is in a different city then we can connect with them through WAN. The internet provides a leased line through which we can connect with another branch.

Centralized data: In case of WAN network, data is centralized. Therefore, we do not need to buy the emails, files or back up servers.

Get updated files: Software companies work on the live server. Therefore, the programmers get the updated files within seconds.

Exchange messages: In a WAN network, messages are transmitted fast. The web application like Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype allows you to communicate with friends.

Sharing of software and resources: In WAN network, we can share the software and other resources like a hard drive, RAM.

Global business: We can do the business over the internet globally.

High bandwidth: If we use the leased lines for our company then this gives the high bandwidth. The high bandwidth increases the data transfer rate which in turn increases the productivity of our company.

Disadvantages of Wide Area Network:

The following are the disadvantages of the Wide Area Network:

Security issue: A WAN network has more security issues as compared to LAN and MAN network as all the technologies are combined together that creates the security problem.

Needs Firewall & antivirus software: The data is transferred on the internet which can be changed or hacked by the hackers, so the firewall needs to be used. Some people can inject the virus in our system so antivirus is needed to protect from such a virus.

High Setup cost: An installation cost of the WAN network is high as it involves the purchasing of routers, switches.

Troubleshooting problems: It covers a large area so fixing the problem is difficult.


An internetwork is defined as two or more computer network LANs or WAN or computer network segments are connected using devices, and they are configured by a local addressing scheme. This process is known as internetworking.

An interconnection between public, private, commercial, industrial, or government computer networks can also be defined as internetworking.

An internetworking uses the internet protocol.

The reference model used for internetworking is Open System Interconnection(OSI).

Types Of Internetwork:

1. Extranet: An extranet is a communication network based on the internet protocol such as Transmission Control protocol and internet protocol. It is used for information sharing. The access to the extranet is restricted to only those users who have login credentials. An extranet is the lowest level of internetworking. It can be categorized as MAN, WAN or other computer networks. An extranet cannot have a single LAN, atleast it must have one connection to the external network.

2. Intranet: An intranet is a private network based on the internet protocol such as Transmission Control protocol and internet protocol. An intranet belongs to an organization which is only accessible by the organization's employee or members. The main aim of the intranet is to share the information and resources among the organization employees. An intranet provides the facility to work in groups and for teleconferences.

Intranet advantages:

Communication: It provides a cheap and easy communication. An employee of the organization can communicate with another employee through email, chat.

Time-saving: Information on the intranet is shared in real time, so it is time-saving.

Collaboration: Collaboration is one of the most important advantage of the intranet. The information is distributed among the employees of the organization and can only be accessed by the authorized user.

Platform independency: It is a neutral architecture as the computer can be connected to another device with different architecture.

Cost effective: People can see the data and documents by using the browser and distributes the duplicate copies over the intranet. This leads to a reduction in the cost.


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